Art Witch

Own the Way You Create with Kristen Radden

Episode Summary

In this episode, oracle deck creator/teacher/tarot reader Kristen Radden shares deep wisdom about understanding and supporting your creativity. Through exploring human design and personal strengths, Kristen sheds light on owning the way you create.

Episode Notes

Perhaps one of the most elusive concepts on the creative journey is really knowing how you work and what are the ways your creativity thrives. Often it takes years of making art to get a sense of how you create.

In this episode, prolific deck creator/teacher/tarot reader Kristen Radden of Over the Moon Academy shares deep wisdom about getting to know how you make art. We dive into owning multitasking as manifesting generators, Kristen’s rhythm of starting and finishing projects within 30 days, and the importance of making things for yourself.

To Connect with Kristen:


💕Zaneta’s Meditation Library/Patreon Page


About the Host

Zaneta (they/them) is a Brooklyn-based sound ritualist, listening educator, creativity activist, and podcast host. At the core of their work is a deep desire to remember how to live in interconnectedness.  Whether that is through meditation and connecting with the self, or in community rituals to connect to the land, Zaneta weaves sound and ritual to create experiences that transform the way participants hear and connect to the world.  

To learn more about Zaneta’s work, visit

Or follow them on IG @soundartmagic

About the Podcast

Art Witch is where creativity, magic, and healing align for personal and collective liberation.  Hosted by Brooklyn-based sound ritualist, arts educator, and tarot reader Zaneta, Art Witch aims to provide resources for the creative journey. In this podcast you’ll hear from a variety of artists, witches, healers, and experts sharing their wisdom and stories, all with the intention of helping folx make art and share their unique magic with the world.

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