Art Witch

Radical Love💞Creativity Tarot Reading Sept 25 - Oct 24

Episode Summary

Welcome to Libra season! Of beauty, love, and truth. In this episode Zaneta shares the energies that are coming through this lunar cycle for our creativity and work, and how we can work with these energies for personal and collective growth.

Episode Notes

Boundaries as a love language. Clear communication as care. Authenticity as love. In this lunar cycle, we're redefining communication and how we relate to others. Exploring how we can create beauty even from writing a simple email.  Listen to the full creativity tarot reading as Zaneta shares the energies that are coming through this lunar cycle for our creativity and work, and how we can work with these energies for personal and collective growth. This reading is for Sept 25, the new moon in Libra, through Oct 24. 

Mentioned in this episode:

About the Host

Zaneta (they/them) is a queer, multi Brooklyn-based sound ritualist, listening educator, nature recordist, creativity activist, tarot reader, and podcast host. At the core of their work is a deep desire to remember how to live in interconnectedness.  Whether that is through meditation and connecting with the self, or in community rituals to connect to the land, Zaneta weaves sound and ritual to create experiences that transform the way participants hear and connect to the world.  

In the spirit of an interconnected world, Zaneta focuses on supporting folx to make their art and express themselves fully, knowing that interconnection and interdependence are rooted in our individual wholeness and that our authentic creative expression is at the heart of that wholeness.  It’s towards this collective vision that Zaneta offers channeled tarot readings for creative liberation, and offers readings to support artists in navigating their careers and projects. 

To learn more about Zaneta’s work, visit

Or follow them on IG @soundartmagic

About the Podcast

Art Witch is where creativity, magic, and healing align for personal and collective liberation.  Hosted by Brooklyn-based sound ritualist, arts educator, and tarot reader Zaneta, Art Witch aims to provide resources for the creative journey. In this podcast you’ll hear from a variety of artists, witches, healers, and experts sharing their wisdom and stories, all with the intention of helping folx make art and share their unique magic with the world.

Art Witch has a Patreon community where members meet regularly for group meditations, full moon rituals, and community conversations on art and magic. In addition, we have a full library of meditations and videos for the creative mystical journey. 

To support this podcast and become a member, visit


Episode Transcription

Hello everyone and welcome back. It's so wonderful to be with you all and to gather in this podcast space. My name is  Zaneta for those of you who are unfamiliar with the podcast and are a new listener. Thanks so much for tuning in. It has been a couple of lunar cycles since I last recorded an episode.


And I wanna say thank you for all the really sweet messages and all sorts of stuff that kind of came through, and to everyone who sent me a lot of love and support during this lunar cycle. I was actually very, very ill and could not actually record an episode at all, cause my voice was too weak and I was really, really struggling.


So it's amazing actually, it's kind of a miracle to be here right now. And to be able to record this episode, this episode actually marks the two year anniversary basically of the Art Witch podcast. I think we came out in maybe the second week of October back in 2020. And since then we have had, oh golly, like 30 ish episodes here on the podcast.


So for those of you who have been listening and have been a part of this journey, thanks so much, I really, really appreciate it. With that, there are going to be some readings that are opening up. I'm opening up my schedule this month for creative liberation, tarot readings. I am kind of hoping to do a few on Samhain AKA Halloween.


Or if you celebrate Undas or if you celebrate All Saint's or Soul's day, I am going to be doing some readings on that day. I'm really, really excited. The ancestors are a really wonderful part of our creative journey. And it's really awesome to be able to kind of have this time, this really intentional time with them to source their insights and their messages they're always available.


But I do feel like there's something really, really sacred about this time of year and how we can get the support  of a collective understanding that energetically. This is the time when we are really, really ripe and available to the ancestors. So, I'm gonna be doing some of these readings on actual Halloween.


But I'm gonna open up a lot of availability this month and next month. So you will see those available. And I always have sliding scale spots for folks who are two spirit, LGBTQIA plus, for folks who are BIPOC, for folks who are chronically ill. Yes, I always have sliding scale spots available, so please, please feel free to reach out to me.


If you would like to be a part of that.  This lunar cycle kind of brings us into black history month and a really wonderful friend of mine, Chauna Bryant is putting on a breath work summit that features Black breath workers.


So it's called Breathe In Black, and that's happening October 20th through the 23rd. And I wanna talk just for a moment about breath work and why I think it's really interesting, especially as those of us who are experimenting and trying different kind of modalities and things like that in this community.


Breath work is something that we kind of always have access to with the exception of having, you know, some serious like respiratory issues or things like that, which I have been through a lot recently. But breath is so, so foundational , it's just so foundational to the practice of magic. It's so foundational to being able to tune into the present moment and be available to what spirit wants to collaborate with you on , what you want to create in to be very firmly rooted in your process.


Breath is so, so important. So breath work is a modality that I think is really, really interesting to explore. And Chauna has assembled an amazing group of Black breath workers who are coming together and offering their perspectives and their ways of facilitating breath work. So it's really, really incredible.


It's really awesome. I don't know of anyone else who's doing anything like this, so I'm gonna leave a link in the description below. I am not getting any kind of affiliate or kickback stuff from this. I just think it's a really awesome event. And if you've ever wanted to try breathwork or you're into breathwork, then this might be a really wonderful time for you to explore that.


The other thing I want to invite you into is if you would like to support this podcast and support my work then please check out the Patreon space. I post some things in there, and honestly it's really just a space that people have been really helping me to continue this work. Especially as I've been ill and especially as I've been able to kind of  cover the costs of doing this work and also covering the costs of like research and things like that.


It's just wonderful. And there are a lot of different interviews that I'm gonna be putting out this month. I'm really excited. There are a couple that I've been kind of waiting to release as I've been waiting until I feel better and feel up to editing. But if you would like to show a little love that is a sliding scale space, and you can donate any amount that you want.


There's no commitment or anything like that. And yeah, it would be wonderful to be in community with you on that space. So without further ado, I am gonna get into today's reading. So today I'm gonna be releasing this on the new moon in Libra. It also is when Rosh Hashanah begins. So Shana Tovah to all my friends who celebrate happy New Year. Today, Sunday, September 25th, we have the new moon in Libra and this new moon sees us through and kind of travels  through October 9th, the full moon in Aries, and it ends October 24th, right before October 25th, the new moon in Scorpio, we recently had the fall Equinox, or as some folks like to celebrate Mabon on September 21st.


So we're in a very, very.  I wanna say a transitional space and time, right. Something is ending. Something is beginning. There's kind of a change a change of the guard. So to speak a change of seasons though I don't really subscribe to any kind of colonial power or governance. You know, literally the queen died, so it's like, there's a lot of shit.


That's basically  being on earthed and also changing over and the summer.  was very, very, let's say extensive the summer had so, so much to it. And I know we don't all celebrate the same seasons at the same times, and you might have even more nuanced seasons wherever you are, but I want you to just reflect for a moment on how  the transition from say August to September and then September into October is just really, really articulated  it's not just that we see them, like we see the seasons changing and it's like, I see this object over there and it's transitioning, but it is so remarkably impactful on us that it's easy to take for granted that that shift is a shift that we're living, not a shift that we're witnessing  it's experiential shifting.


And that experiential shift is something that we have to hold some space for have to give some compassion towards if you can understand how much energy it takes for. And how much energy shifting it takes. Let's say that a shifting of gears, almost that it takes for a tree to lose its chlorophyll and start to  channel its energy down towards the roots, rather than towards the leaves.


All this kind of down shifting is occurring, right? And it happens pretty fast. As soon as the temperature is changing, as soon as things start to cool down that shift  is really, really  in process. And so I bring this up because I think one of the things that this reading today wants to share is that you are a living experience.


You are a living embodiment of the season shifting.  You are  this transformational piece of work that is existing in time and space and in community. And that's just not something to be made light of.  It's not small. It takes a lot for us to be shifting that way. And there's some fortitude, or I wanna say some boundaries that need to occur to support one's self, as we're shifting into a different energetic way of being.


So with say the summertime  with say a season that is so effusive. That is so outwardly illuminated. That is so I wanna say expressive externalized, the energy is radiating essentially. You are radiant in this experience, but when we start to shift into these seasons, like fall and into winter, and , I know many people are gonna be like, oh my God, Zaneta do not talk about winter yet.


I'm sorry.  I don't mean to trigger anyone  with talks of winter, but when we are starting to shift the way that we are. Also shifts in a sense we don't have as much energy maybe to just throw out into the field. Maybe we don't have as much energy to  just keep sending out. I think a lot of that kind of externalized, expressive ways of sending out energy, you know, like when it's summer  everything is doing that, you're energized by all the blossoms, all the leaves, all the singing of all the animals, just all the movement and the life and the vitality that surrounds you.


But as things start to settle down, birds migrate things are changing. The way that we work with our energy  we need to be aware of it and understand that we may be adjusting accordingly. So the first card that comes through that is our invitation for this lunar cycle.


So lunar cycle is September 25th through October 24th. The first card that comes through is the queen of swords, the queen of swords. When we get these court cards, it's like we're asked to don a different coat essentially were asked to put on, you know, a different hat. Take up a different role than maybe what we've been doing.


You know, the page of swords does things differently than the queen of swords. The page of cups does something differently than the king of Pentacles. They each have ways of being, they have different approaches. And so the queen of swords their nurturing comes through in the ways that they are able to focus and hone their energy and uphold their boundaries.


There's nurturing. That comes from their clarity. There's nurturing. That comes from the way  you know, where you  stand with that person. The queen of swords understands that when they are taking care of themselves, everyone thrives the garden flourishes when they are able to devote their energy to what really, really matters and  what they are there for.


It's like the hardest thing, it's so challenging. And so it's a lifelong, let's say  study or a lifelong process of reflecting and trying again and reflecting and trying again, but, you know Libras Kind of symbolic representation is those scales, you know, the scales and the card that corresponds with Libra is justice  and this idea of what is in balance what is harmonious is really, really starting with ourselves. It starts with ourselves, right?  How we take care of ourselves and how we take care of our energy changes our relationships. It inspires others. It can be a, a modeling for others, but all that aside, we know that the world is better as a result of us being able to account for our own energy and tend to it accordingly.


Let's just kind of like go through a couple scenarios here. The queen of swords say when you're doing business has a certain understanding of their needs, their time and their resources, their energy, and they proceed accordingly.  In business,  in their work and in their career.


This can be like, before getting involved in a collaboration or something like that, taking time to really check in with yourself and say, okay, I really thrive when I am getting a certain amount of sleep. Maybe I need a little bit more time right now. I need extra time than I normally put out my work.


Maybe there's certain things that you need from your collaborators and being honest about those things. Does everyone a favor. Sometimes the queen of swords can seem like a frosty figure can seem like a figure that is maybe even a little  self focused.  or just doesn't have a lot of patience or  doesn't seem like they're all that caring or feeling towards maybe others.


But I think where that comes from is that we have a really false narrative in our society around what it means to be caring. Our narratives are built on exploitation of labor and our bodies it's built on the idea that like, oh, you need to selflessly give all the time. You need to selflessly throw yourself into your relationships  and to be extracted from.


I'm thinking about just general ways that this plays out, that we are over available to people when maybe we really need to, you know, tighten up our boundaries and say, okay, I actually can be present for this conversation, but I can't be present for that one.


And that's scary.  that can be really scary. Especially as relational beings, especially as beings who really depend on our social connections it can be scary  to kind of  realize like, oh my gosh, maybe I need to. Spool my energy in a little bit more, what will happen? How will I be relevant or connected to people if I have to do that?


But I think the queen of swords and their invitation in this cycle is showing us that that's a path to sustainability. That's one thing that caring for yourself is a path to sustainability, but also caring for yourself  is part of mutual thriving. Everyone literally thrives when we are taking the time to care for ourselves and check in with ourselves and tend our energy.


It's just. Part of it. No one can quite do that work for you. It always starts with you. And I'm not saying that you have to take care of yourself, entirely.  We're always being taken care of by one another.  That's the nature of living in an interconnected experience, but we can't be inside each other's bodies and know what we need.


And so this queen of swords asks us to stand in the power of where we are at energetically, what we need or truth, and to just calmly and  assertively state, what we need in our relationships and our connections. I acknowledge fully that that is not a simple fix. For many of us  


There's a lot of reasons why we don't, but those reasons and the long term don't really hold up.  They don't.  And the queen of swords they know that as they are holding boundaries for themselves, things will be better in the long run. Things will be better even, maybe in the short term.


So boundaries are a really, really big part of this lunar cycle and energetic tending,  how is your energy doing?  do you need time and space? Are you feeling really amped up and excited and need to kind of  get into something?  It doesn't matter what energy is occurring or how the energy  is present at this time.


Just more so that you're honoring that. So, okay. In that invitation, we have very clear ways to embody the queen of swords. One is  the heart and the voice connection the heart is honest and is very true.  the heart often has a really strong connection to what is most important to us.


So how can the voice be  a direct conduit, a direct speaker for the heart?  What are those things that are really important to you right now, or that you feel like you're really needing right now? And how can you actually vocalize them? This is something that you could kind of audit. You could kind of like look through your interactions with people.


Say the emails that you send, the texts that you send the conversations you have with folks, even the newsletters you write, or the Instagram posts that you make, what are you communicating and how true to your heart is it? There's a lot of energy wasted on trying to kind of soften our words or to try to kind of appeal to people and to get them to kind of see our way of things  and things like that. But I'm kind of getting the feeling from this queen of swords that  a direct approach might be the way forward. To just simply say what it is that you need, what it is that you can do, what it is that you can't do and see how people in your life respond, notice how they respond.


Notice what comes up in you notice what comes up in others. You know, obviously you can speak kindly to people and you can be thoughtful, but just be clear, you know, like if that thoughtfulness or kindness goes a couple grades too far,  a couple shades too far. And you're kind of muddying up the water, so to speak, when you're communicating, then that's not gonna be so helpful, right?


Like people have to understand how serious you are about what you need or about what you're asking or about what you're saying and your intentions. If you are toning that down too much, or if you are spending too much time trying to soften that and kind of make it more appealing to the other person on the other side, sometimes you're not really giving them the clear message that they need.


And that they really need to understand, like, for example, if you need more time on a project, if you're like, well, maybe like, would you mind, you might be kind of giving this sense that this is a more loose boundary than it is a necessary boundary, a firmer boundary. And the reason why that can be problematic is that you're not giving the other person the information that they need to move forward accordingly.


You're not giving them the information that they need to know about you to basically move forward and honor you and where you're at. If you're spending a lot of time, kind of in this space of trying to be maybe overly diplomatic or something like that, I would. Urge you to reconsider how that sets up a pattern of communication and exchange within that relationship that may not actually support your thriving.


It may not actually support their thriving if you value those relationships and value, having those people to work with and to create with, or to you know, collaborate with or whatever, then consider what you're communicating and how you're communicating it. So the queen of swords  can sometimes be a very uncomfortable figure for us to step into their archetypal wisdom and  to utilize some of their gifts.


But they are also someone who I think really shows us. What it means to be actually truly kind and truly compassionate, you know? If you think about a rose garden and you think about how, if you have all these other plants and other things kind of growing, sometimes it can really choke the roses or keep them from like growing and doing well basically.


And so sometimes you need to prune things, right? You need to have some space, have some clarity, have  some boundaries  to say like, okay, here's this plant, here's this thing.  The queen of swords. Utilizes boundaries as a love language. I don't really love, love languages, but  they essentially utilize boundaries as a way of showing that they actually freaking care.


So this is our invitation, and I know I'm spending quite a bit of time outlining this, but I think it's a very nuanced topic and it can be tricky to understand it and also to feel its relevance and how it kind of lands within you in your situation. So I want you to just take a look at those kind of communications and what's you're communicating and how you're communicating.


And if the way that you're communicating is actually sending the message that you need to send to others in order for you both to have a caring and honest relationship.


Okay. The challenge in this is going to be the chariot right away. I feel like the chariot is some of that past summer energy from cancer season. I think some of that past externalizing energy that kind of comes through. And I also think that with the chariot, there is a sense of the shell that we present to the world, the shell that we present to the world and  how invested we've been in that shell.  Maybe you have a certain way of presenting yourself online, have a certain way of presenting yourself through your art or through your career, whatever it is through your creative ways.


And maybe somewhere along the line, that shell seemed like the way forward in order to let's say, attain the success  that you kind of envision, like how are you gonna get to your vision? You're gonna go do things this way and you're gonna kind of bring this certain vibe and yada, yada, sometimes folks don't get into all that.


They're fairly free of that stuff, but some of us, and I'm gonna include myself in this.  Some of us for a variety of reasons have a tendency to feel like we have to be a certain way, depending on the spaces that we're in, depending on who we're in connection to, depending on, you know, what we're trying to do, we almost feel like we have to kind of split ourselves in a sense.


There's the version of self who's on Instagram and does these things, and, you know, kind of talks about stuff this way and is yada yada, yada, I don't know  or like even when you write emails  sometimes writing emails, it's like, oh, I need to be this person when I'm writing these emails.


And I want to always present myself in this way when writing and there's kind of  this exoskeleton to it, right? That's not totally you some aspects of it, are you right? But that's not  your essence. And somehow that exoskeleton, that shell has become kind of where our energy and attention has been focused.


And when that shell breaks, you know, you talk about ego death, you talk about egoic shells, things like that. When that stuff breaks down,  it's pretty painful. It can feel like, oh my God  what are people gonna think of me? Am I gonna be rejected? Where's my sense of belonging.  It can feel really scary because it seems that your connections and your relationships are formed really  in connection to the shell, rather than in connection to who you truly are.


And I'm talking about this with deep love and deep, deep compassion. If this resonates for you, this shell is traveling sideways, essentially. It's almost like, you see the path before you and you see how you could directly address something head on, but instead when you invest. More energy into the shell and into the ways of being that are associated with that shell, then you're actually kind of going on a detour a little bit.


You're kind of traveling sideways and somewhere along the line we've been taught, we've learned we've gotten some idea in our heads that this is the way to success is to be that person. But that is our challenge. This cycle authenticity releasing the shell a little bit more. Maybe  it's too much to release it all at once and I can feel you on that deeply, but I also want to encourage you to think about this for a second.


That shell is not, you , that shell was never you and all the things that are associated with that shell ideas of success, ideas  of what's the next step, what are your goals? How are you're supposed to conduct yourself in your collaborations and with your contexts when you're doing your work, whatever that stuff is, often times someone else's sediment. It's someone else's shit, basically that has kind of calcified around you as you've been moving through time and space and trying to do your creative work in this society.


I think a lot about how. Very specific ideas about how we're supposed to interact in professional relationships are actually someone else's ideals. How do you actually write that email as you? How do you actually conduct that business transaction as you, not as how your teacher taught you or how you've seen other artists do it, or what's acceptable in your profession or in your industry?


No. How do you do things as you? There's a really clear example of this that I wanna share that's from my own personal journey, and I think it can help kind of highlight how this,  concept can play out


For the longest time when I would apply for  grant proposals and grant applications for my artwork, I would always use capitalization and proper grammar. I would always use those things because I was so scared that the panelists, the judges  and the administrative folks who are looking over my application would dismiss my application as a result of me not being professional or academic, that if I didn't use proper capitalization and punctuation, that I would thereby be dismissed as being.


Maybe less than as being  not educated da da, da, da. I was really worried about coming off as someone worthy of investing money into  and funding essentially. And I was worried that my proximity to how academic or how intellectual sounded or appeared on paper would  detrimentally affect my likelihood of getting the grant.


And then as I kind of did more writing and did more work, I realized that that is just not authentically who I am at all.  not at all. I write all in lowercase for the most part, unless I'm referring to someone who uses capitalization in their names or in a specific place or book or something like that.


But for the most part, I express myself in lowercase and that is exactly how I feel comfortable and confident in writing with that. I started to write all of my applications and all of  my quote official documents for my art and my work in lowercase  and with my own use of punctuation, my own style of grammar.


And I have won a couple grants doing that, and that was not a problem . And so why I, I bring this up is because  I don't know if people felt more like they could identify with my work or what based off of that switch. But what I do know  is that my attempts to be someone else and do something else  in the hopes that I would be more relevant  and would get funded or get supported.


It wasn't true. And it wasn't real. And those things don't last. They can never last,  and  I would like to think that  making that switch was part of me being able to even more effectively communicate my vision  and my art. And so the chariot as a challenge card invites us to actually move head on towards our goals  in our communication, to really be clear and to try to take the most direct path and see what that leads to  let's say instead of direct path, maybe the most authentic path, Whatever shell you think you have to don in order to be relevant to your audience, to your collaborators, to the panelists that read your applications to anyone, whatever you think you have to do in order to be relevant and communicate. I challenge you to try a different way.  Try a different way and also ask yourself where that came from. Right? Don't take that as the truth examine where that shell was formed, whose ideas, what situations have you gone through that have contributed to the belief that you need to present yourself or  communicate in certain ways that maybe are less true to who you are.


And so we come to the final card, and this is the next action step. And this card it feels complicated.  I know that's not what you probably wanna hear. It feels complicated. I feel that there's an element of the highest self that we can sometimes call upon. And some people do not like that. And I totally get it. Highest feels hierarchical and  well, what is this self?


And I think that there is an aspect of our existence that is connected to the most widest scope  of our experience. There's some part of ourselves that is connected to love at all times. And love not just is something  that feels good because I think  that's just  sometimes part of that shell is that we want people to feel good interacting with us, or we want them to associate goodness with us, but we are radically transforming the understanding of what love is when it's coming from authenticity and truth.


I want you to imagine when you're giving a tarot reading or something, and I know many people who are listening to this are readers and diviners of spirit and messages from beyond when we are channeling, we are delivering what is coming through, right? And there's discernment to some extent, right, but usually we are tapping into source. We're tapping into the essence of something that transcends just ourselves, that cues us into the wider web of existence in life. And we are committed to bringing those messages through.  We ourselves may not agree with those things. We may not even know what those things are.


We may be confounded  by what comes through. And I even think like this really relates to our creativity,  when you're channeling and you're making your art,  you don't have control over that shit that comes through you,  you don't have control often on what comes through you creatively.


And many of us love that about being expressive and makers and, creating things and being artists. We love this about the process. Well, I wanna consider the ways that we communicate in our relationships. No, we're not per se channeling. As we're writing emails to everyone sometimes maybe you do.


I don't know. Sometimes I do feel like I'm channeling a little bit when I'm writing an email to certain folks or in certain situations. But I want you to consider that the facade of control that you have when you're communicating with people is  not entirely true. yes, you could write that email in a more, roundabout way or a way that softens the blow quote, unquote, but ultimately what gets expressed what comes through us is not entirely in our control.


A lot of it is from.  insight and connection. And in relationship to beings, spirits ancestors,  there's so much that's coming through us and is helping us navigate the terrain of how to be in this existence what if your email writing, what if you are communicating in your day to day, life was a little bit more like channeling where you're like, this is what needs to come through.


This is what needs to come through me. This is what needs to be shared. Yes. It's not pretty, maybe it's kind of tough, whatever, but  this is the most loving way of communicating at this time.   This is the season of Venus, this is the season of Libra. This is like the season  of beauty and harmony.But what does harmony really look like? What does love really look like? It does not always look like it feels good. You know, it's not always a pot of flowers. A lot of times it's like the essence of life. It's like  the nectar, it's the juice. It's like the raw stuff.  It's something so true. And so real that, you can't help, but marvel at it.


And I think that our communication can be profound. Love can be radically transforming love and the honesty and authenticity that we impart in our interactions as we go through our work. So I think temperance is here to kind of guide this process  into the sacred,  you may think you need to wear that manager hat  so to speak. And yes, there's a certain aspect to kind of stepping into that role and taking care of business and things like that. But what does business look like when you do it authentically? What does communicating with folks on a day to day basis look like authentically as you are doing it? I think energetic drain occurs a lot when we are feeling ourselves split in multiple directions. And we feel like we have to be different people at different times. There's so much that's being wasted so much energy that's being lost in that process.  How can we just trust that when we're being real and we're being true to ourselves and our boundaries,  that is a form of love.


So  just to recap, our invitation for this lunar cycle is the queen of swords our challenge is going to be the chariot and our  next action is going to be temperance. So I've given you kind of a lot, and there's some understanding here that you've just have these huge cards that came through this cycle as a community.


We have these huge cards that came through, you know, queen of sorts, chariot temperance. Two of these cards are major Arana cards and one of them is a court card. So very, very big profoundly reaching concept that we are being shown here right now that  we're being invited into. It's probably going to be a concept for at least the season.


You know, it's a reading for the cycle, but most of the time when cards of this  depth and intensity come through, it's like you have to live them and journey with them to start to feel  what they wanna share with you and how far you're being asked to kind of grow with these archetypes. When a card like temperance arrives, it's like,  you get to grow with the support of temperance and temperance wants you to add to its canon of work.


Temperance is being built by all of us. This cycle, we are building what it means to be the queen of swords. We are embodying what it means to face the chariot and it's complicated aspects.  We are contributing to this body of work by living it and working with it and kind of addressing it in our individual lives and in our communities.


And I encourage you to feel that support system to feel that you're a part of a process. That's not just about whether or not you have done the right thing, whether or not you've been the queen of swords or whether or not you're accessing the temperance card. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You're a part of a transformational process.


Just like we talked about at the very beginning of this reading about this downshift from the seasons, the downshift of energy from summer into fall, and that all creatures, all beings are kind of supporting that process are a part of that process, right? Like we are all a part of this process of kind of accessing the queen of swords and understanding their wisdom and their radical ways of expressing love through boundaries.


Every moment that you step into that energy and that archetype you're contributing to this shift for others and others are doing the same for you.  So feeling into our Art Witch community and feeling the tarot not has something that is an object that's placed on your doorstep. That's like, well, 'you got that queen of swords and good luck jerk.'  You know,  like, not as an object that's placed, but as an energy that you are living with and that you are embodying and that you are experimenting with and you are fleshing out.  You are saying, 'no, this is the queen of swords Zaneta, no, this is temperance.' And that those nuances, those like specific ways that you start to begin to live with these archetypes and understand them that starts to contribute to our collective growth and understanding. 

So I hope you all have an amazing lunar cycle. I hope that wherever you're at that you feel so supported that you feel connected and inspired. And I hope that this reading becomes something that is more yours than just something that just arrives on your doorstep, but it is part of your process  and that you feel part of that process of contributing and growing what it means to  what the tarot actually means.


As a gentle reminder, creative liberation readings will open up this week so please see the link down below. If you would like a reading for your artwork, specifically in your creative journey. And  there will be an interview coming up with a very, very exciting guest and I'm  super, super excited to share that interview.

But until then have a beautiful, beautiful lunar cycle and take care.