Art Witch

Repetition is Change 🌊 Creativity Tarot Reading Sept 2 - Oct 1

Episode Summary

Repetition is a form of change and this Virgo season we are exploring the many little ways that we enact long term change. That cellular growth that transforms our lives.

Episode Notes

Mentioned in this episode


About the Host

Zaneta (they/them) is a queer, multi Brooklyn-based sound ritualist, listening educator, nature recordist, creativity activist, tarot reader, and podcast host. At the core of their work is a deep desire to remember how to live in interconnectedness.  Whether that is through meditation and connecting with the self, or in community rituals to connect to the land, Zaneta weaves sound and ritual to create experiences that transform the way participants hear and connect to the world.  

In the spirit of an interconnected world, Zaneta focuses on supporting folx to make their art and express themselves fully, knowing that interconnection and interdependence are rooted in our individual wholeness and that our authentic creative expression is at the heart of that wholeness.  It’s towards this collective vision that Zaneta offers channeled tarot readings for creative liberation, and offers readings to support artists in navigating their careers and projects.


To learn more about Zaneta’s work visit

Instagram @soundartmagic

About the Podcast

Art Witch is where creativity, magic, and healing align for personal and collective liberation.  Hosted by Brooklyn-based sound ritualist, arts educator, and tarot reader Zaneta, Art Witch aims to provide resources for the creative journey. In this podcast you’ll hear from a variety of artists, witches, healers, and experts sharing their wisdom and stories, all with the intention of helping folx make art and share their unique magic with the world.

Art Witch has a Patreon community where members meet regularly for group meditations, full moon rituals, and community conversations on art and magic. In addition, we have a full library of meditations and videos for the creative mystical journey. 

To support this podcast and become a member, visit

Instagram @artwitchpodcast

Episode Transcription

Repetition is Change 🌊 Creativity Tarot Reading Sept 2 - Oct 1

[00:00:00] Zaneta: Hello and welcome to Art Witch, the podcast where creativity, magic, and healing align for personal and collective liberation. I'm your host Zaneta and welcome. Art witch aims to provide resources for creative empowerment, helping folks make and share their art and also find their authentic expression. In this podcast, you'll hear from a variety of artists, witches, and healers, as well as experts in various art industries and related fields, all with the intention of helping folks share their art, and [00:01:00] their unique magic. 

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Art Witch podcast. I am your host Zaneta. And thank you so, so much for tuning in. If you're new to this podcast, I want to say welcome. It's a really special place. A really special community and we get into some really deep topics around creativity through the lens of tarot, witchcraft, energy, rituals, even systems reflection. We really get into a lot here, so I hope you'll stick around and enjoy the episode. Today is going to be a tarot reading for our art, for our creativity. And these readings usually explore what's coming up for this lunar cycle. And this lunar cycle is actually September 2nd through October 1st.

So we'll get into that in a moment. But before then I [00:02:00] have some announcements, some really special and big announcements.

So the first really awesome announcement I have is that. I am hosting a psychic hike in Harriman state park on Saturday, September 28th. 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. A psychic hike is basically where we go for a stroll into the forest. And then we practice a variety of psychic. Meditations and exercises. Communing with the beings that are present there.

And then we. Open up our journals and we write or paint or draw. Sometimes for me, it's singing or moving, but really. We're going to be kind of exploring. In a visual and written modality. What is coming through in that psychic [00:03:00] connection with those beings.

This is kind of the core of my personal artistic practice. Where I am recording in different locations, I'm connecting to different beings that are there, different spirits. And seeing where those psychic connections want to take me, what's coming through. those moments together. And letting that come through my creative output. So this psychic hike is kind of intended to deepen our connections and explore our connections with the beings in our local wilderness, which I think is so, so, so important. And to practice a creative rendering, of what it's like to receive energy, receive impressions, have messages come through and to document them in your journal.

One of the things that [00:04:00] people ask me about all the time is like, how can I know what's real in my psychic practice and what's just some kind of random thing that kind of flits in. And I say, you know, it's a lot about data gathering. It's a lot about checking out over time what has been coming through these connections. So one of the best parts about psychic journaling or psychic nature journaling is that you have this physical documentation in this notebook or in this journal of your psychic experiences and the places and the beings that you were connected to.

So I'm going to be sharing my whole practice of like psychic nature journaling in this session. So if you're interested, I'm going to have a handful of spots where I am taking people into the woods with me. I will be driving folks from the train [00:05:00] station and taking them up there. But for those of you who have a car, there will be also kind of a discounted ticket price for those who are driving themselves. And don't need a ride, but this workshop is going to be Pretty moderate gathering of people.

I have to really cap it under 20. So. It's very, very, dedicated and, really deep time that we get to spend in the woods together. And I. I particularly love Harriman. Because it's a place that many of us from New York city have went up to. Many of us have found a lot of solace and, Deep deep love in those woods. And so. I think it's powerful to have a bunch of art, witches coming into this place and listening and paying attention psychically and, kind of communing and connecting and having that energetic exchange there. So. That is [00:06:00] Saturday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM September 28th. And the rain date for that is September 29th. So the Sunday. Following day. But check out the link below to sign up for that.

And I'm so, so, so excited about this psychic hike. There will be more of them in October and November. I go to the woods year round. So there might be some winter sessions as well. So don't worry if you can't make this first one, but you know, they're coming up so keep an eye out for that.

The next announcement I have is also a really, really big one. We are going to have monthly Art Witch circles, in the Patreon on Zoom, every month. I'm so, so excited about this. As you know, I've been giving creativity tarot readings for many years now and have worked with a lot of [00:07:00] artists. And have used the tarot as a guide in the creative journey, through the highs, the lows, the cycles, the rhythms, the seasons. So this monthly support circle is going to be an opportunity for me to work with a small group of art witches, and to give monthly mini readings to your direct situation, your direct creative conundrums. And to also explore the tools that we use as art witches to navigate the creative journey. Particularly learning the tarot and how we can work with the tarot for our art. How we can use witchcraft as part of our creative practice. You know, really going into some of these topics that we touch on in the podcast in greater detail. So that first session is [00:08:00] actually going to be September 21st, Saturday at 11:00 AM eastern standard time on zoom.

These are going to be every single month and they're going to be available for Patreon members who are subscribed at $10 and above each month. So, if you would like to have a like-hearted community of art witches, who are learning with you about tarot, witchcraft, and the creative journey. And to get monthly mini readings. This is the space to do it.

My personal artistic practice, I have used the tarot in every facet of creation and every facet of artist's self care. I have done spells I have done many different kinds of readings.

I have composed with the tarot. I have used it on site in psychically communing with [00:09:00] place. I have you used the tarot to create whole tracks from, but tarot is my kind of ride or die tool when it comes to the artist's journey. So this is an opportunity to go deep. I'm going to really be teaching these cards and all the experiences that I have had reading for clients. And having really journeyed with the tarot. I'm going to be sharing all of that in this series on Patreon. So if you want to have a really firm grasp of how tarot works with your art then come on into this series, it's going to be really, really powerful and it's going to be going for the year. So I'm really, really excited about that.

The next announcement is that I am opening up creativity tarot readings for one-on-one sessions. So that means if you've been wanting a [00:10:00] reading for your art and you have some big stuff you need to unpack. These are not mini readings. These are like the full-size candy bar.

If you want a reading to get into deep stuff with your art and what you've been dealing with then they're open right now. A portion of all these readings will be donated to a relief and evacuation fund for a friend in Gaza. So. This is going towards a really powerful cause something that's really near and dear to my heart. And if you would like to simultaneously get the support that you need for your art, then these creativity readings are great for that. I will leave a link down below to signing up for that as well as the Patreon.

Okay. Huh. That was a lot. Those were a lot of announcements. I've one tiny, tiny one, but it's actually kind of big, cause I'm really proud of it. I put out a vlog. I put out [00:11:00] a vlog for the summer solstice, Litha and it's on my personal artist channel. So if you want to check out that vlog, it goes into my solo, camping and nature recording practice. And it was just such a joy to make and have a fun time doing it. And I hope you'll enjoy. Watching it. If you like it, obviously give it an actual, like, And if you enjoy it and you want to see more of it, then you can obviously subscribe.

[00:11:32] Zaneta: So with that, we are getting into the reading, the tarot reading. Okay. So we're in Virgo season. I'm just going to set the stage for you here.

We're in Virgo season. We've come out of the wash of cancer season. Into the bliss of Leo season and it was all so, so watery and just kind of. A big, big watercolor wash. And then now we're into Virgo [00:12:00] season. And it feels like we're getting down to business. We're coming back to those things that really are a little bit more concrete. those little habits, those things that we do, the way that we do things that actually creates and builds something.

That's, you know what we do as artists, we. work with the medium of time and materials and we create something that is transformative. With that. September 2nd through October 1st is our lunar cycle. We have the new moon in Virgo on September 2nd. We have the lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17th. The lunar cycle ends just before the solar eclipse in Libra on October 2nd. Mercury has just recently stationed direct on October 8th. And [00:13:00] leaves a shadow on September 11th. So, okay. We've got. You know, mercury retrograde kind of leaving our system. We have also kind of the, casualness. The washiness of summer kind of leaving our systems. Like, you know, it's time to come back to your calendar. It's time to come back into scheduling things and. You know, maybe doing things that are a little bit more concrete and clear. And this is the backdrop for our lunar cycle. This is the backdrop for our creativity at this time.

So I pulled cards slightly differently than I normally do. Today. I just did a little bit of a check-in. Where are we in our creative journeys this time? What's the card that best embodies that for us. And the card that came through was the queen of Pentacles. I feel like the queen of Pentacles [00:14:00] is a systems expert. This is someone who understands what it means to manage their resources, their energy. And how that is in balance with their output, their, an input output balancer.

If you think of the two of Pentacles in particular. This card always is like, you know, it looks like someone's juggling stuff they're having to deal with the personal and, the communal. They're having to deal with, not just what's happening with themselves, but how it relates to what's happening outside of themselves. It can be a card where you have to think a lot about like balancing your home and then balancing your creative output. So with the queen of Pentacles, I feel like this is an individual who has mastered managing their energy. And [00:15:00] their output there. They manage the input and the output.

When a card like this comes up. We can be like, okay, is this me and my embodying this? or is this aspirational like, should I become this? it can be very funny to have a card like this presented to you and be like, uh, I don't really see myself in this Or maybe you are like really unsure of how this card applies to you. So I'm going to bring up a couple of things that I'd like you to reflect on in your own artistic life currently.

How is the exchange the balance between your input and your output?

Simple question. How is your health, with regards to your work? Do you feel like you're getting the care you need? Do you feel like [00:16:00] your creating in the ways that you need?

Do those things feel in balance? It's not an either or situation. There's no binary here, but we're just kind of looking at what we give and what we receive. And we're taking stock of that a little bit. Because in order to manage it, we do have to look at it.

In order to manage it, we have to look at it. And the queen of Pentacles is someone who. I feel like has a good understanding of what their needs are. And they will get paid what they need to get paid. They will pay for others when they need to pay for others, they're in balance with the system that they exist in the ecosystem that they live within. [00:17:00]

So let's give a practical example of this. Say, you've been donating a lot of time and energy and you're feeling depleted. Well, the queen of Pentacles comes along and says, Hmm. Something's out of balance here, something isn't adding up. We need to take a look at this. That is a practical example of you tapping into this queen of Pentacles magic and letting it work for your benefit.

Another thing I think about is money. I really do I think about money when it comes to the queen of pentacles. How are we getting paid? Are we getting paid what we need to be getting paid in order to sustain ourselves? This is a person who [00:18:00] knows their worth. They know the worth of their work and their time and their energy. And they charge accordingly. Now, this brings up all sorts of questions around capitalism, around, class, it can bring up all sorts of stuff.

And so I want you to tread with care here around whatever comes up for you. Most of us are going to have something that comes up. Around money. I would say to look at this with a gentle and soft eye. To examine. Your current. Relationship to getting paid in your artistic work. Honestly, But kindly honestly, But kindly. With the queen of Pentacles. There's this feeling of. I [00:19:00] know that I need. X amount of money to cover my bills. To save up a little bit. To do X, Y, and Z. And this is what it's going to take. This is what it's gonna take from my community of supporters in order to do this.

We all have to do this if we're planning on bringing our artwork into a monetary phase of things. Even if you're giving your art as a donation or it's free or you're making it accessible to everyone, regardless of price or, access or financial resources. You still have to consider your time and energy. It doesn't come from nowhere.

There are still materials. There's still the, Expertise. [00:20:00] And the cost of expertise. There's still the training, the time and energy and labor that you put into your artwork. All of those should be. In your awareness. They should be in your awareness. If you're the queen of Pentacles. The queen of Pentacles will know what it costs to make something. What it costs to make something.

Let me give an example from my own experience. If I'm putting out a nature recording. I know how many hours of camping it took me to do that. How many hours of planning and research, it probably took me to figure out where to camp, where to record, what's the best sites to record. There's my gear, my microphones. My, gas, my [00:21:00] food, any other miscellaneous gear that I need. There's the time spent to actually make the recording. It took me like, you know, 48 hours to make it in total. There's the time it takes to edit it. There's the time it takes to. Put it out into the world. And actually maybe present it or promote it. There's the time that took to even flesh out a creative idea around this. All of that goes into the work itself.

That's not even the training that I've had to be able to listen or to record in this way or to use the software to edit or anything like that. All of that goes into my offering. And so when I set a price for that recording to be available to the public. I'm going to price it [00:22:00] with that awareness. I also am aware of the ecosystem that I exist within. Probably. And this is the, this is the real stuff is that, that recording, if I priced it at what it actually costs to make no one would probably buy it because the ecosystem that I exist within doesn't necessarily identify that work at that price point. But that's where we can decide that for ourselves. We have a lot of choice with the Queens. We have a lot of agency with the Queens. We can determine how we set the tone around our artwork, how we set the tone around that exchange. You know, if people understand what went into the work, if people understand your intentions and maybe have a little bit more context. Then [00:23:00] maybe your price point for these things might be actually more to an equitable exchange that you need.

Sometimes it's not even about that. Maybe you just need to place the work where people of like -mindedness and like-valueness will appreciate that work. So the queen has this kind of understanding of value. That is an artistic interpretation in and of itself. It's an artistic process to determine how to present and how to, bring work into, equitable exchange.

I know it's a little mind blowing to get into that, you know, because it's enough to make the art. But if you're considering pricing your art or your offering and putting it [00:24:00] out into the world that is also an artistic process. And one that. We would be in good timing here in Virgo season to actually embark on.

Because when I think of Virgo, I think of it as this mutable sign, right? This transformative sign, especially where we take, uh, Good look at what works and what doesn't and let go of what doesn't. So we're in this really really good moment of looking at what works and what doesn't. And we're looking around our money, our exchanges. You know, if the exchanges are lining up, if they're in balance, if what we're receiving is in balance to what we're giving. So that's what the queen of Pentacles is bringing up in this lunar cycle and where we're at [00:25:00] at this time, what we're checking out at this time in our creative journeys.

Now what can we focus on at this time? I found this to be such an awesome. Card and it's the devil in reverse. Now. For those of you who are like, oh shit, the devil.

I'm just gonna like give you a pat on the back and say, it's all good. Relax, big hugs. Yeah, walk it out, shake it out. Go for a stretch, grab a drink of water. Because the devil in reverse is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, in this situation, it's really, really powerful. It's rootedness. It's rootedness.

So. We have a strong earth theme coming in this lunar cycle, not a coincidence. We're in an earth sign this season, makes a lot of sense. So, what we're focusing on [00:26:00] is I feel like the capricornian, Kind of column of energy that exists within the devil card. A lot of times it's associated with Capricorn with Saturn. I think we're focusing on what we're building in that longer arc, like. You know, this is a major Arcana card, so there's a longer arc being introduced here. We're looking further into our future. We're looking at the long journey here. And we're thinking about. Where we would like to end up, well, what are we doing now that will help us to end up at that longer destination? And. Really in the longterm. We have to be building things now to provide for us in the longer term. We have to be, you know, setting ourselves up now in order [00:27:00] to, harvest what we wish to harvest down the line.

Time is also a big theme in Saturn. It's a very, very big theme in Capricorn and in the devil card. Like. This is a force that we do not have control over. This is a force that has control over us. You see it in sometimes in the imagery that's used for the devil, the chains, the links, all that stuff. It's these like, you know, parcels, these units of time that can be a weight upon us, or they can be a form of clarity. A form of, prioritization, a way to prioritize like those boundaries, that mortality and time provide us. You only have so much time on this earth and you only have so much time before you die. Those kinds of boundaries. Put our work and our energy [00:28:00] investment into stark clarity. It can give us insight into what matters and when it matters.

So, what to focus on at this time is a couple things. One, what are those things that need to go? That have needed to go? What are those habits and those things that you're just like, if you're being really honest with yourself, they're disrupting you over and over and over again. They're weighing you down from making any further movement forward. Okay. Just being honest with yourself.

The second part to this card is focusing on what habits we do want to develop that would lead towards our goals. Uh, our destinations. So let's say You want to be exhibiting in a, in a gallery or something like that. [00:29:00] And you know, that there are certain habits that you've been doing that are undercutting, that, that are sabotaging that. You've got to go and look at that and be real. Is that really going to get you to where you think it's going to get you? Do you think you have infinite amounts of time to be operating this way? If that goal matters to that much, what change are you willing to make to reach that goal? This can bring up a lot, so I'm not gonna lie. Like looking at things on this level might take you the whole of the lunar cycle. Might take you the whole rest of this year, but I would strongly encourage you not to make such a big deal out of it because it's really in the doing, not the processing that's going to necessarily change things for you.

Like if you're just in the [00:30:00] cerebral space with this, I think you could find yourself easily just processing and processing and processing. And then not actually getting into those changes and you know, I'm not trying to be like, okay, do this, do this, but. There is this like real reflective moment here in this season. You've been on this path for a while, what's working? What's not? What do you think is going to get you there? What do you think is not going to get you there? I would even encourage you to grab a tarot deck, grab an Oracle deck and ask the cards. Hey. What are the things I need to let go of specifically? Hey, what are the things that I need to Change specifically to reach this goal?

Those cards will give you some indications or at the very least will jumpstart your reflective process so that you can [00:31:00] start to maybe journal it out or just contemplate, where in your life you are undercutting your movement forward.

Cool. Okay. So that's the devil. In reverse. And, you know, I brought up that word rootedness. I guess the devil wants to say a little bit more here. I brought up the word rootedness because like we're tending to those roots and those roots are going to help us kind of grow above ground and really like see this through. But we can't just be having just anything Willy nilly.

Right. And so this is the next card that I found. So. Interesting. What were kind of like being invited to let go, to release and that is actually temperance. Wow. Temperance as an energy to release to me [00:32:00] is a very fluid energy. This fluidity, this adaptability, this mutability that can sometimes occur where we are very, very much in a state of. And, and, and, and, and, and while, and is very powerful and I know that conversations around and can get into multi identities. They can get into non-binary and fluid gender experiences and identities. And so I want to be very clear my distinction. That and is not what we're talking about here, but we are talking about a kind of and that always leaves things open-ended.

It's the kind of, and that will say. Well, I am going to change this habit, but if I don't. Well, There's always this [00:33:00] and you know, it's this, this, this, and this. It can always kind of like be this wishy washy, watery kind of energy. This in-betweeness energy, this state of having not made the decision or the commitment. And if we're looking to have something grow consistently over time. There are certain commitments that need to be made. There are certain commitments to ourselves that deserve to be made, you know, you committing to making your art. That is not about rigidity. That is not about obligations. That's about being connected to yourself and doing what makes you feel most alive? Noticing the distinction [00:34:00] between, this kind of sense of, constrictiveness that we associate with structure versus this kind of sense of structure that provides shape to our energy and efforts. That's very different, right? Like that distinction is very important.

There are times and places for commitment. There are times and places for saying yes, I want to do this. That is actually a form of deep knowing. That's a form of saying I know myself so well that I'm committed to seeing my dreams come into reality. Sometimes we're in patterns of flux. For many of us, we grew up with a lot of instability. We went through a lot of intense life experiences at early [00:35:00] ages. Those formative fluctuating experiences create a habit pattern. Of instability. They create this kind of like anything is possible. Anything is loose, but also there's nothing that's being held as sacred or as being like committed or devoted. And I think that there is a certain power in coming into devotion and repetition as a sacred practice. Commitment as a sacred practice to ourselves and our art and our dreams. Virgo really gives me this energy, like this new path is made through time and consistency and devotion. The new way, the transformation that Virgo can impart is through change over time.

My favorite card from the [00:36:00] Brian Eno Oblique Strategies deck is repetition is a form of change. Repetition is a form of change. Repetition is a form of change. I love minimalist music. I love circulatory, ambient repetitive interlocking, poly rhythmic music often because you feel time in different ways. These building blocks, these cellular building blocks of habits, of things that we do, these little rituals, these daily routines, these habits. These things are what build. Change. They're, what build change

So the card that came through, that we could place on our altar, our community altar. I asked what card could we place on our community altar for the [00:37:00] art witch community. And the card that came up was the Knight of Pentacles. Holy smokes, right? This is earth focus so much this lunar cycle. The Knight of Pentacles is a being who knows the power of repetition. Knows the power of consistency. Of persistence.

This is showing up over time.

It's a powerful theme also for movement work. For those of us who are part of movements who are saying, no, this doesn't stand. We have to be able to show up over time. We have to find those ways to show up over time. So, this is a very, very big part of the Knight of Pentacles. And it's what we can find [00:38:00] inspiration. This is our beacon, basically for this lunar cycle. Head down. Pay attention. Get back to business, do the things that, you know, Get you there. That get you to those dreams. What are those things? Is that an earlier bedtime?

Is it, you know, Making sure that you. Stop eating salads all the time. Because your digestive system feels messed up by it. I don't know. You know, I'm, I'm just kind of riffing here. Is it having your weekly tarot time to yourself? Is it having, you know, your morning coffee with your journal and your candle? Is it having an accountability friend that you talk to every week? What are those consistent support commitments, consistent support streams, that you [00:39:00] feel like you are going to return to and commit to. And that are going to be a part of this growth. This change.

There's so many ways to look at this. Some of it could be the very practical daily habits that you have that are part of being able to show up in your artistic life. Some of this could actually be you being consistent and committed to your artistic practice. If you're a painter you're painting regularly. If you're a dancer, you're dancing consistently. The queen of Pentacles. This is. Our lives. this is our lives. This is not like a choice. I want to like be kind of clear about why this is so important.

Being your creative self. That is how [00:40:00] your vitality exists. It is what keeps you alive. Maybe you're artistic expression has taken many forms. Has done many things is very multihyphenate. But it always has to go and be expressed right? And that's like that expression is you being alive.

Sometimes conversations around being an artist get into territories of choice. Like it's a choice to be an artist. It's actually not for some people. For some people. This is the only way that they feel they're alive or they're able to even remotely be well. In that case, it's not a choice. Right? You literally depend on it. I feel the queen of Pentacles has that: I am living therefore I am an [00:41:00] artist. I am living therefore I am art. Art is living. It's so quintessential to existence that you could never separate the two and you shouldn't have to. But what that means is a lot of us and very understandably so exist constantly having to choose our art as if it's this choice. And it's like, we have to come back into some form of balance with that, because that's not really the truth of this, right.

The truth is is that this is what it means to be you, is to do these things, to express yourself in these ways. This is just your existence. Your unique, beautiful existence on this planet. And when we're committing to this. We're saying, okay, these are the things you need to do to be well, to be cared for. [00:42:00] Care is at the heart of the queen of Pentacles. Care is at the heart of the queen of Pentacles. But they are caring through doing and the doing is what we're looking at here.

What are you doing? And where does your time go? Where does your energy go? And Is your creative practice, as it pertains to like what you need to be well, is it happening? Are you getting the time and energy and space to do this? If not got to come back into balance. So those are some of the things that are coming through in this particular lunar cycle.

If you have kind of more questions, I invite you to sit with cards, set them all out in front of you. We have the queen of Pentacles, the devil in reverse, temperance. And then the knight of pentacles. Allow yourself to maybe have some time to sit, to [00:43:00] gaze upon them to be in their presence. The card to place on your altar to work with in your meditations or in your reflections is even the Knight of Pentacles.

Literally, we pulled that for that specific use. So you can hold the card in your hand. And allow the energy, invite the energy in from that card to. Become part of you, to embody. There may be a certain movement, a certain wish that wants to come through with the Knight of Pentacles, a certain creative spark. Or some kind of automatic writing that might occur where you just need to channel and write and write and write. As the Knight of Pentacles. I encourage you to journey with this card, not just in this kind of like, objective way. But [00:44:00] to experiment with its potency and its messages that it wants to impart. You know, we can talk in this session together about these cards. But where it starts to really come alive, the tarot comes alive. Is when you as an individual in your creative genius. Start to play. Where you started to take these cards and be like, What do you have to show me?

Knight of Pentacles? And you dream with this card, put it under your pillow. Um, make an essence with this card. Find, you know, a beautiful rock. Hold it. Feeling to the Knight of Pentacles and the rock and the earth solidity and like, Let that energy of material of the [00:45:00] earth. Let that, suffuse you and. Give you some insights maybe into what specifically you might be needing.

Okay. So recapping. Where we're at in our creative journey is the queen of Pentacles. What we can focus on this lunar cycle is the devil in reverse. What we can let go of is temperance and a card for our altar is the Knight of Pentacles. Our aspiration for this lunar cycle. Ooh, this is a lot. I want to just, you know, reiterate. Take it slow.

That's also part of the Knight of Pentacles taking things gently, slowly, consistently. They are not the fastest night. They are the most consistent, steadiest night we have in our, [00:46:00] cadre. So just know. That the Knight of Pentacles doesn't go and make swift. Um, abrupt changes necessarily, but they're here to make changes over time, over repetition. Building and building. In this almost cellular building block kind of way.

I hope this helps you in this lunar cycle. I hope it helps you with your art. I hope you feel ready to meet what comes next in your creative journey. I see us all as these brilliant beings. Who are lighting up our communities. One by one and seeing this network, this witches worldwide web. All of us. Creating this blanket of beauty and care around the earth and we really, really need it right now.

I can't stress this enough. This is not about perfectionism on any level. Everything that we [00:47:00] reflect on and we get deeper with it's just about love. It's just about, finding what works for us even more so.

If at any point. This gets twisted into an energy of perfectionism or procrastination. I would rather see you go ahead and just move forward on something rather than belabor it. Because I do know that with Virgo season, with the Knight of Pentacles, sometimes perfectionism and belaboring or overthinking things can really happen. There can be a stuckness that can occur. and you have to kind of be clear with yourself , I can't be in your body. I can't be in your being and know exactly like how this is landing. If it's a procrastination moment or if it's a moment that you truly need space. And you need to take a beat. that is [00:48:00] really something that you can get clear on with yourself. But I think this particular reading gives you the queen of Pentacles as the manager of the Knight of Pentacles, the queen of Pentacles is like, We're taking a look at all of this for the sake of care, for the sake of making sure everything's in balance. And we're being honest.

Is my Knight of Pentacles being a perfectionist, or is my Knight of Pentacles making consistent progress on things? Are they being methodical and showing up consistently and doing their diligent work? Or are they overwhelmed and handling it by maybe stalling or over thinking, over working things? So that's something you'll need to kind of check in with yourself around [00:49:00] these card energies and around the season.

As a reminder, if you would like to explore tarot deeper with your artwork, and if you would like some more regular support for your creative journey. Join the art, which Patreon where we'll be gathering every month. And the first one is on september 21st. That is at 11:00 AM. Eastern standard time.

If you need a personal reading for yourself at this time, and you want to donate towards a really powerful cause. Go ahead and check out my creativity tarot readings down below.

And also if you would like to have some time in the woods, which is the other part of this reading that. I didn't really feel like going too far down this path, but you totally could. Is to have some forest earth time, right. Have some land [00:50:00] time. Like really put yourself on the ground, put yourself in the mountain, put yourself on the rocks. Like. Put your bare feet on the ground. Have the time with a tree, Come join us for the psychic hike for communing with the forest. And explore that in your creative practice there.

So that will be part of, this month, but yeah, this is going to be a powerful month and I hope that you're being extra loving towards yourself and towards others.

I know Virgo season can bring up a lot that transition out of Leo, into Virgo. sometimes it feels really refreshing and exciting. But it also can feel like oh my gosh. Overwhelming.

So take it easy. Take it slow and yeah, repetition is change. Okay. Hope you have a great lunar cycle and take care.

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